What do you think about adding something like the following code to disable the importer plugin on anything but development...
* Plugin Name: Disable/Configure Plugins
* Description: Lets you disable/configure plugins based on environment variables
* Author: Chris Sewell
* @see https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/281114
* This is a "Must-Use" plugin. Code here is loaded automatically before regular plugins load.
* This is the only place from which regular plugins can be disabled programmatically.
/* Disable specified plugins in non-development environments */
if (getenv('WP_ENV') !== 'development' && is_admin()) {
$plugins = array(
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php');
To get nginx working locally we need to add to the docker file
FROM base-nginx AS nginx-dev
# Add the following line or similar...
RUN echo "# This is a placeholder, because the file is `include`d in `php-fpm.conf`." > /etc/nginx/server_name.conf
What do you think about adding something like the following code to disable the importer plugin on anything but development...
And, not specifically related to this commit, but to the work in https://github.com/ministryofjustice/justice-gov-uk/pull/30 .
To get nginx working locally we need to add to the docker file