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Discussion Point: Package Registries #25

Open wordshaker opened 3 years ago

wordshaker commented 3 years ago

Summary Of The Question

What solution for package registry should we use in LAA


There are some use cases where shared libraries and packages in LAA could be beneficial. As such I think this is a good point in which to discuss how we approach registry of packages.

One option is for us to make accounts with the language specific managers/registry (i.e. npm for javascript, maven for java etc). The problems with this can include managing multiple accounts and having these accounts associated with email addresses of individual employees.

Another option is to use a package registry which can support numerous languages. This makes the management and search-ability much easier.

I propose we go forward with one of the solutions from the second option, but next we need to determine which package registry is best for our needs. I have narrowed down the options to:

See this sheet for links to more information for both

Next Steps

I would like us to trial and discuss the above options.

The next actionable steps (with dates and assignees) are to: