As a MP engineer
I want to create a dashboard that monitors open pull requests on our repositories
So that I can monitor outstanding PRs across multiple repos more easily
Value / Purpose
This would involve creating a dashboard that uses the ministryofjustice-github datasource available in the Observability Platform to create a table that displays the details of any open PRs across our repositories.
We should review the config of PR reminders in Slack as there is a discrepancy with what's found on the dashboard vs the alerts (i.e. we see more on the dashboard vs the alerts).
We can consider adding alerts (if deemed useful) such as if PRs are not closed after a certain amount of days etc.
Useful Contacts
Additional Information
No response
Proposal / Unknowns
No response
Definition of Done
[ ] Canvass team for ideas and create any other similar PR-related dashboards that are deemed useful
[ ] Consider adding any alerting that may be useful e.g. PRs not merged that are over x days old
[ ] Review Slack config for PR reminders and update as needed
User Story
As a MP engineer I want to create a dashboard that monitors open pull requests on our repositories So that I can monitor outstanding PRs across multiple repos more easily
Value / Purpose
This would involve creating a dashboard that uses the ministryofjustice-github datasource available in the Observability Platform to create a table that displays the details of any open PRs across our repositories.
Here is an existing example that monitors dependabot PRs only across all the MP repos:
We should review the config of PR reminders in Slack as there is a discrepancy with what's found on the dashboard vs the alerts (i.e. we see more on the dashboard vs the alerts).
We can consider adding alerts (if deemed useful) such as if PRs are not closed after a certain amount of days etc.
Useful Contacts
Additional Information
No response
Proposal / Unknowns
No response
Definition of Done