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Update contribution guidance on documentation site #677

Open robertjmccarthy opened 2 weeks ago

robertjmccarthy commented 2 weeks ago


There is existing guidance on the MoJ Design System guidance site to explain how someone can contribute something to the MoJ Design System website. This guidance needs to be updated to reflect the reality of contributing to the design system.


To manage expectations of contributors and make it clear about the process of contributions.

Who needs to be involved

robertjmccarthy commented 1 week ago

Discussions have been setup for EXPERIMENTAL components, patterns and pages which is part of the contribution process.

Additionally, discussions have been setup for RELEASED components, patterns and pages which is part of the process for suggesting changes and improvements to existing components.

Work needs to be done to:

  1. Update and
  2. Create a Github discussion template for adding EXPERIMENTAL component, patterns, and pages.
  3. Update
  4. Adding a call-to-action to all existing components, patterns, and pages on the guidance website to link to the relevant Github discussion.
robertjmccarthy commented 1 week ago

Proposed process for contributing to the design system

  1. Check there isn't an existing component, page, or pattern that does the same or similar thing to what you are looking to contribute.

    • If there is, use that instead.
    • If there is, but it doesn't fully meet the needs of your users or requirements, suggest a change or improvement to the component, page or pattern by following the process for suggesting a change.
    • If there isn't, continue to the next step.
  2. Check if there is an existing discussion underway for experimental components, pages, or patterns that does the same or a similar thing to what you are looking to contribute.

    • If there is, use that instead and contribute to the discussion to share your work.
    • If there is, but it doesn't fully meet the needs of your users or requirements, suggest a change or improvement to the EXPERIMENTAL component, page or pattern by adding to the discussion.
    • If there isn't, continue to the next step.
  3. Create a discussion on Github for an experimental component, pattern or page.

Your contribution to the design system will be classed as an EXPERIMENTAL component, pattern, or page. This means that other people can reuse your contribution, but it's not an official component, pattern or page in the MoJ Design System.

Other people can view your contribution, benefit from the work you have done by reusing it in their product or service, and add to your contribution to develop it further.

The MoJ Design System team regularly review EXPERIMENTAL components, patterns and pages for potential candidates to release into the design system. The team will review discussions and use analytics to inform what EXPERIMENTAL components, patterns and page to take forward.

If your contribution is selected, the team will reach out to you to discuss your work.

robertjmccarthy commented 1 week ago

Proposed process for suggesting a change to an existing component, pattern or page

  1. Find the component, pattern or page you are suggesting a change or improvement to

  2. At the bottom of each page there is a call-to-action to take you to a Github discussion for the component, pattern, or page

  3. Add to the discussion with your suggested change of improvement.

  4. The MoJ Design System team, along with users of the design system, will be able to review your suggestion, reply to it, and add to it where necessary.

Please note: Not all suggestions will result in a change.