minitest / minitest

minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking.
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Organizational changes to aid discoverability #637

Open blowmage opened 8 years ago

blowmage commented 8 years ago

One of the problems I see discussed over and over is that minitest is not as discoverable as other testing libraries for new users. RSpec has put a lot of effort into onboarding new users. Not only those familiar with testing, but those unfamiliar with it. I propose the following organizational changes to help newbs use minitest as well as start contributing to it.

  1. Make a GitHub organization

    Moving the repo from seattlerb to its own organization will allow use of a GitHub pages repo for the organization's website. This will allow those not ready to contribute to the code to contribute to the documentation. Improving the documentation is just a pull request away.

  2. Move minitest repo to the organization

    This means stopping use of the Mercurial bridge and allow the git repo to be where development happens. I believe this will encourage contributions because users will see their contributions reflected on the GitHub stats.

  3. Allow contributed gems to belong to the organization

    Not only should the seattlerb and zenspider minitest-gems belong to the organization, but established and supported gems as well. For example, minitest-rails and minitest-matchers. Belonging to the organization would be seen as a seal of approval.

I know this is a radical shift in your workflow, but I think it would help others get and stay involved. We have a great need for getting more people involved in the documentation effort.

zenspider commented 8 years ago

KK... Let me mull over this. I've been meaning to test out more friendly bridges that might allow for bi-directional work to git. Maybe I can find time to do that this weekend.

zenspider commented 2 years ago


blowmage commented 2 years ago

Wow, there has been so much progress on this! I agree 1 and 3 are completed, which is kinda blowing my mind. 🤯

The remaining proposed change is to move to the git repo as the source of truth. That would allow for others to manage the project easier, but constitutes a big change. What are your thoughts on 2 in 2022?