From: Bingeling
● Hattrick Organizer
PostID:(14932093.909)Reply:(14932093.1)To: Everyone
Datetime: 05.11.2012 1at 3:15
I fail to find it in the options, so I ask here...Would it be possible to enable an option to hide all player nick names? It would remove a minor annoyance from this nice game :)
Original issue 1016 created by CatzHoek on 2012-11-06T16:30:50.000Z:
From: Bingeling ● Hattrick Organizer PostID: (14932093.909) Reply: (14932093.1) To: Everyone Datetime: 05.11.2012 1at 3:15 Message: I fail to find it in the options, so I ask here...Would it be possible to enable an option to hide all player nick names? It would remove a minor annoyance from this nice game :)