Open murko69 opened 8 months ago
It might be this module fetched the information from the box below the table with the 'latest events' and I just figured out (thanks to a forum post) that HT actually removed that info from events. If 'ShowLineupSet' actually was fetched from that, this was the reason for it malfunctioning and it might actually fix itself when HT bring it back - Cause HT-Daniel hinted about bringing that one back here
Highlight teams that have set a lineup This part doesn't work at all and haven't for a long time so I have no real clue on what HT-fix might have broken it :) No team name ever gets bolded anymore in the 'next round'-box under the series table
Highlight ownerless teams Actually not sure if this works or not, since I don't see anything different on series page anywhere with it checked or not. So either I'm blind or it's broken or HT made something similar that nullifies this.?!
The other two features to the module seem to work as it should
Highlight your own team in standings tables Works fine. Own team name in series table is bolded by default by HT , but.... with this one checked the complete table row for your team also gets bold! Plus your team will also be highlighted in marathon table etc - so it adds functionality!
Highlight winning teams This one works as it should.