Closed minj closed 9 years ago
Comment #1 originally posted by convincedd on 2011-10-11T19:59:22.000Z:
no problems with latest ff nightly, ft, flash on win7 seemingly
Comment #4 originally posted by convincedd on 2011-11-06T11:23:16.000Z:
never had that i think (unless i causes single tabs to crash with endless loops). there is a build-in output, shift-ctrl-c -> console. try to open that next time. maybe the preference tab would still be alive, sou we could debug output there (also shift-ctrl-c). or the background process (extensions tab -> expend foxtrick: chekh active view content/backgground.html)
Comment #5 originally posted by convincedd on 2012-04-25T20:01:46.000Z:
seems rather outdated now
Status: Invalid
Original issue 834 created by ryan on 2011-10-11T16:40:08.000Z:
Using latest nightly of Firefox on GNU/Linux, and all pages with Adobe Flash will be unresponsive with FoxTrick enabled (like match preview page), even if the page is not on Hattrick. (Like
When FoxTrick is disabled everything went fine. Supposedly it happens in Foxtrick.entry.niceRun, as reported by Firefox as an unresponsive script.