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Add case-sensitive comparison option to function WebAssert::elementContains #829

Open MurzNN opened 2 years ago

MurzNN commented 2 years ago

Now function WebAssert::responseContains does comparison in case-insensitive mode because of usage stripos php function: https://github.com/minkphp/Mink/blob/34c0ae0dff39b0ebfc3b028e66b60943e1bed4ce/src/WebAssert.php#L319-L325

And I see no ways to make case-sensitive comparison. So will be good to add option to enable case-sensitive comparison mode via some option. Or it is already exists, please point me out to the solution.

And will be good to explain that this function does case-sensitive comparison by default, because it is a surprise for many developers. For example, this nuance brings that issue in Drupal module: https://www.drupal.org/project/layout_builder_restrictions/issues/3278651

aik099 commented 2 years ago

@MurzNN , the WebAssert::responseContains is indeed case-insensitive and, as far as I can remember, it always was. Probably the DocBlock could be improved to reflect that behavior. The same goes for the \Behat\Mink\WebAssert::responseNotContains method.

As for the mentioned Drupal issue, you can use the \Behat\Mink\WebAssert::responseMatches method to do a case-sensitive comparison.

By the way, the Drupal issue uses the \Behat\Mink\WebAssert::elementContains method currently, which is also, as the majority of assertion methods, case-insensitive.

MurzNN commented 2 years ago

Yeah, sorry, I've mixed up elementContains and responseContains when creating issue!

So, for \Mink\WebAssert::responseContains we have \Behat\Mink\WebAssert::responseMatches alternative, that supports regexp and can do a case-sensitive comparison.

But seems we have no similar function \Behat\Mink\WebAssert::elementMatches, so what is the solution for \Behat\Mink\WebAssert::elementContains to make a case-sensitive comparison?

MurzNN commented 2 years ago

What do you think about adding third non-required argument like this to enable case-sensitive comparison, like this https://github.com/minkphp/Mink/pull/830/files ?

If it's ok, I can expand it to all other *Contains() functions.

aik099 commented 2 years ago

Let's wait for @stof opinion on this.

Looking back at the source of all this case-sensitivity issue/PR (checking Restricted vs Unrestricted) I'm starting to think, that it's not worth it. As you've suggested altering the project code, that uses Mink, is enough to make the test pass.

MurzNN commented 2 years ago

@stof, can you please give a short message about your opinion on this?