Closed coviex closed 12 years ago
It has nothing to do with vendors
. Just configure MinkBundle correctly.
Read the note at the end of this section:
I get this error on step 4 when I follow I don't even try to use the bundle just update vendors. File is config_test.yml and intention is to use default client so no configuration seems to be needed. Could you please elaborate because I don't see any problems with configuration.
Given that the vendors file calls the console in dev environment, the only way to get an error about Mink there is to register MinkBundle for the dev environment too. The doc only registers it for the test environment as it depends on the Sf2 test client. So you are not following the doc.
"vendors file calls the console in dev environment" didn't know that. thanks
well, the console runs in dev
by default if you don't pass the environment explicitly
When I do this:
I get this:
Here is my deps:
[symfony] git= version=v2.0.11 [twig] git= version=v1.6.0 [monolog] git= version=1.0.2 [doctrine-common] git= version=2.1.4 [doctrine-dbal] git= version=2.1.6 [doctrine] git= version=2.1.6 [swiftmailer] git= version=v4.1.5 [assetic] git= version=v1.0.2 [twig-extensions] git= [metadata] git= version=1.0.0 [SensioFrameworkExtraBundle] git= target=/bundles/Sensio/Bundle/FrameworkExtraBundle version=origin/2.0 [JMSSecurityExtraBundle] git= target=/bundles/JMS/SecurityExtraBundle version=origin/1.0.x [SensioDistributionBundle] git= target=/bundles/Sensio/Bundle/DistributionBundle version=origin/2.0 [SensioGeneratorBundle] git= target=/bundles/Sensio/Bundle/GeneratorBundle version=origin/2.0 [AsseticBundle] git= target=/bundles/Symfony/Bundle/AsseticBundle version=v1.0.1 [gherkin] git= target=/behat/gherkin [behat] git= target=/behat/behat [BehatBundle] git= target=/bundles/Behat/BehatBundle [mink] git= target=/behat/mink [MinkBundle] git= target=/bundles/Behat/MinkBundle
And config_test.yml: