minlexx / qmlevemon

Qt5/QML based EVE Online character monitor
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

Skill Planner #6

Open mkaito opened 4 years ago

mkaito commented 4 years ago


I wanted to grab a flatpak to give this a try, but the link doesn't work.

minlexx commented 4 years ago


I shut down jenkins builder instance, but latest release is on github Releases page

I stopped developing this but in current state it still works. I haven't specifically tested flatpak bundle lately, because I build from source. At least build from source works :)

You can test it, and if something doesn't work, you can report here and we'll see what I can do :)

mkaito commented 4 years ago

Oh, I see. What led you to stop development?

mkaito commented 4 years ago

As for the flatpak:

Error: Error installing bundle: Commit metadata for app/ru.minlexx.qmlevemon/x86_64/master not matching expected metadata
error: Failed to install bundle ru.minlexx.qmlevemon: Error installing bundle: Commit metadata for app/ru.minlexx.qmlevemon/x86_64/master not matching expected metadata
minlexx commented 4 years ago

I've made a new release 0.4.1 and updated README, can you try this instruction and see if it works? It now works for me

minlexx commented 4 years ago

Oh, I see. What led you to stop development?

Reasons are common, as usual, as everywhere else... I have a lot of other projects, real life, work, ... not much time and I don't play EVE that actively now.

QMLEVEMon has nearly all the feautres I personally need and consider it somewhat feature complete. Of course many things are missing :) not everything works perfectly, etc but that's enough for some use cases.

Even though no new features are planned right now, I think I can continue maintaining this project and keep it in a working state, fix issues.

mkaito commented 4 years ago

Yep, it runs now. Thanks!

The only thing I had to look around a little bit for is this:

$ flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
mkaito commented 4 years ago

Honestly, as long as I can keep an eye on training queues and plans for all my characters on Linux, I'm fine.

Bonus points if I can monitor industry jobs, but given recent changes I've pulled out completely from industry and trading, so that's not even important to me any more.

mkaito commented 4 years ago

Oh wait, this doesn't seem to do skill plans at all. Shame, that's basically the only thing I actually wanted :stuck_out_tongue:

minlexx commented 4 years ago

You can keep an eye on training queues, but what do you mean by skill plans?

I'll see if it is not too hard to add industry jobs monitoring

mkaito commented 4 years ago

Plans are like pretend queues. It's probably the primary feature of evemon and the defunct gtkevemon. It's the main reason most people use them.

You plan ahead in your training, often years ahead. You can then import parts or all of these plans into the in-game queue via clipboard. Sharing plans is common as well, among friends, or as a list of requirements for fleets and doctrines.

I keep multiple plans for each of my characters, and switch actual training between them sometimes. For example, I've got a "rorqual" plan, and also a "fleet logi" plan with all the skills to fly a guardian and basilisk.

I put all my new chars on a common plan that includes all core skills, and also basic production, hauling, and drone slills.

The implementation shouldn't be very different from the skill queue you already have, except it's "fake" and you can have multiple plans with names and clipboard import/export. -- Enviado desde mi dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Por favor, disculpa mi brevedad.

minlexx commented 4 years ago

To be honest I've never understood why this feature is so necessary, is it hard to plan skills directly in game? :confused:

And import/export of these plans is done in some XML file format, I guess? Or in case of clipboard which format should it have?

Thanks for explaining and reporting the issue!

mkaito commented 4 years ago

It's not hard, but it's more convenient out of the game, in much the same way Pyfa is much better than the in-game fitting simulator.

You can only keep one queue in the game, and you must own all the skills. It only allows 50 skills in the queue, and it is slow to rearrange.

Using an external tool also allows you to "simulate" skill plans without having to buy the skills or replace your active queue.

I can paste a list of skills I want to train into EVEMon, and it will manage any missing dependencies and tell me exactly how long it all takes to train. I can rearrange the plan if necessary, then copy that and paste into the actual in-game queue.

I can keep multiple separate plans for each of my characters, and switch between them. For example, my main is training skills to do frigate abyssals now, but I keep plans for some ships I want to fly in the future, and also doctrines I want to be better at, but I don't want to train for right now. Switching between them is just a matter of copy paste, and I keep these plans organized in EVEMon.

As skills get trained, they disappear from the plan, so I can easily check how much time is left on it.

Using this tool was much more important when the game only allowed a single skill and had no queue, but it's still very useful today.

An example clipboard-valid list of skills from my Minokawa plan:

Jump Drive Calibration V
Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration I
Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration II
Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration III
Capital Ships I
Capital Ships II
Capital Ships III
Capital Ships IV
Drone Interfacing V
Caldari Carrier I
Caldari Carrier II
Caldari Carrier III
Caldari Carrier IV
Capital Capacitor Emission Systems I
Capital Capacitor Emission Systems II
Capital Capacitor Emission Systems III
Capital Capacitor Emission Systems IV
Capital Shield Emission Systems I
Capital Shield Emission Systems II
Capital Shield Emission Systems III
Capital Shield Emission Systems IV
Shield Rigging II
Shield Rigging III
Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration IV
Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration V
Capital Shield Emission Systems V
Capital Capacitor Emission Systems V
Capital Shield Operation I
Capital Shield Operation II
Capital Shield Operation III
Capital Shield Operation IV
Shield Rigging IV
Caldari Carrier V

With this text in my clipboard, I can add these skills to my queue in-game, or replace the existing skills in my queue with it with a single click.

I know that I'm 258d 14h 32m away from completing this plan if I start training it now (I'm not training any of this right now). I know that I need to spend 1,035,000,000 ISK in skillbooks I don't own. I know it would take 49 large skill injectors to complete this, if I wanted to. I know that using my +4 pod saves me 47d 3h 17m on this plan. EVEMon tells me all this.

And this is what I get when exporting a "shopping list", which I can just paste into Multibuy:

Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration
Capital Ships
Caldari Carrier
Capital Capacitor Emission Systems

EVEMon has its own file format and compatibility would probably be nice, but I wouldn't call it strictly necessary.