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Minoca operating system
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usb2usb ftdi2ftdi #132

Closed Stepanov-Sergey closed 6 years ago

Stepanov-Sergey commented 6 years ago

can i connect two computers via usb if I have two FTDI devices? Need a detailed description of the connection?

ccstevens commented 6 years ago

Hi Sergey,

Are you trying to connect a non-Minoca host in order to debug a Minoca target? Or are you trying to connect two computers running Minoca?


Stepanov-Sergey commented 6 years ago

I don't know how it will help you, but if it helps I have a lot of computers and I want to connect for debugging to publish the reports.

ccstevens commented 6 years ago

It would certainly help us if you were able to provide reports and debug computers that do not currently work. Are your FTDI cables usb-to-serial or usb-to-usb? From the issue title, it sounds like they are usb-to-usb. In that case, this won't work. But if they are usb-to-serial, you can follow the below steps:

We have some documentation on how to attach FTDI devices to a system running Minoca on our website: here.

The steps are:

  1. Plug a USB Hub into a USB 2.0 port on the system running Minoca OS.

  2. Plug an FTDI USB-to-serial device into the hub.

  3. Attach a null modem cable to the serial end of the device.

  4. Attach a second USB-to-serial device from the other null modem end to your development machine.

  5. Launch Minoca debugger, assuming the USB-to-serial device attached to your dev machine is at COM4

    .\debugui.exe -s .\x86 -e .\kexts.dll -k COM4

  6. Boot the system running Minoca OS.


Stepanov-Sergey commented 6 years ago

Chris, can i connect two computers without a hub this way http://img.blog.csdn.net/20160306174827967 ?

evangreen commented 6 years ago

Yes, as yeti mentioned, you can connect them this way, except leave out the VCC connection.

evangreen commented 6 years ago

You will need a hub on the Minoca machine side in between the FTDI board and the Minoca computer.