minorua / Qgis2threejs

3D map visualization and web export plugin for QGIS
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Geological sections #173

Open cesarcorreo opened 5 years ago

cesarcorreo commented 5 years ago

First, thanks for the plugin. I would like to ask for an improvement into the plugin giving it the possibility to generate geological sections. I think that the plugin is really close to do it. Suggestions / Example: The first picture shows a pseudo geological section and the second one the "hand made" proposal.

Geological-Section-1 Geological-Section-2

"A" shows the "line(s) extrusion" currently available at the plugin. "B" shows the DEM layers (generated from interpolation of boreholes data incorporated into the QGIS project). Boreholes used in my example are coloured in blue colour but is possible to give colour depending on the materials crossed. "1" I would like to generate and image as shows in picture 2 where the colour of the line extrusion has the colour of the DEM crossed.


Example from https://www.aquaveo.com/software/ahgw-subsurface-analyst Section3


marcscama commented 4 years ago

hello, intersting to create a geological section with only qgis and linux, i looking for a simple plugin or app to color inside the topographic profile (create the real geological section) that is the only thing possible inside qgis or others linux stuffff. In qgis i suppose that is not possible to color a profile with a pencil but only export to Inkscape similar app to do this after. I think it's strange and i think that Qgis2threejs can do this in theory with some code. Qgis2threejs need to create a slice of the dem that the user trace with a line on the top an the plugin create the profile. After with the some free-hand pencil and color the user can draw the geological section. For the moment the voxel-volume i think is to complex. Please try to enhance this plugin with this feature please or help me to find a solution inside Qgis.

Best regards Marks

cesarcorreo commented 4 years ago

After writing my message I kept looking for the option to draw the geological sections. My workflow is as follows:

  1. I have a drill hole ground investigation where I note the contact with the top of the formations.
  2. Interpolation
  3. Profiles with profile tool and 3D with Qgis2threejs

Besides the profile tool there are some profile tools within QGIS that do colour the inside of the profile.

I still think it's interesting that this tool draws the sections like in the screenshots I showed in my previous message. However, the main problem I see now both in the profile and in this plugin is that it doesn't have the ability to "respect" some basic rules like a newer item is always above an older one. The problem I see is that it is very frequent that not all the formations appear in all the polls (especially with alluvial soils and fillings) and therefore when doing the interpolation older formations are put over more recent ones. Image 1. Real example. The order of the layers should be Black, grey, orange but the interpolation modify the order due to the non existence of records in some boreholes.


My solution for basic profile section is the workflow:

  1. I have a drill hole ground investigation where I note the contact with the top of the formations.
  2. Interpolation
  3. Qgis2threejs
  4. Create line for the section, then I create points along the line and then all points take the values of the interpolation surfaces.
  5. Export to Excel
  6. In excel - formulation to include the basic geological rules and graphs and 3D section

The results are not perfect at all but I think is the fastest way to draw basic sections. Image 2 and 3 are Excel graphs

image image

marcscama commented 4 years ago

hello, thanks for the message. https://github.com/Oslandia/albion maybe can help you. you need to install yourself the plugin because is not official part of qgis...Why?

my post is direct to MINOURA for an enhancement of his plugin.

i find that is very strange that in a big software like Qgis there is not a simple way to color or drawing or visualize or.... for the geological section.

best regards marks