minorua / Qgis2threejs

3D map visualization and web export plugin for QGIS
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Small polygons (sub-meter) loose all detail (floating point error?) #268

Open nesnejretep opened 2 years ago

nesnejretep commented 2 years ago

When visualising small polygons (10-20 cms size), they get reduced to large rectangular areas, or resemble "abstract art" with slivers and spikes and self-intersections. Have tried many solutions related to number/international settings on both OS and in QGIS. Tried both shp and gpkg as source. Files are in UTM (EPSG:25832) and errors are persistent and reproducible accross versions of QGIS and OS,

Source data shown in screenshot 1. Problem in Qgis2Threejs visible in screenshot 2. When adding a flat plane, the correct geometry appears, but with the geometry artefacts ghosting below. Shown in screenshot 3.

QGIS 3.16.15; QGIS2ThreeJS 2.6; Windows 10 threejs1 threejs2 threejs3