minorua / Qgis2threejs

3D map visualization and web export plugin for QGIS
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Customizable Features Popup #290

Open JuanBreva opened 2 years ago

JuanBreva commented 2 years ago

It would be great to add the option of customize the onclick popup. As of now, we can only see the coordinates and the type of layer; a much more convenient solution would be to display any of the attribute fields of the layer (for example, if it is a Buildings layer, we could choose to display attributes like date of construction, height, area, name and so on).

aeduard commented 2 years ago

It has this feature, you just have to check Export attributes from layer properties. It will show all your attributes when you klick on the object. If you want to hide some attributes, select widget type Hidden in QGIS/Layer properties/Attributes form.