minorua / Qgis2threejs

3D map visualization and web export plugin for QGIS
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[Lines/Growing Lines] issue or not? #325

Open jpdeglet69 opened 5 months ago

jpdeglet69 commented 5 months ago

Since last version 2.7.2, my project lines are no longer displayed. BR J-Ph.D.

Example, red dot line missing: Project

Capture d’écran 2024-01-28 à 15 24 47

QGisthreeJS rendition today:

Capture d’écran 2024-01-28 à 15 15 31

QGisthreeJS rendition Before:

Capture d’écran 2023-12-03 à 15 50 22
minorua commented 5 months ago

This might be a similar issue to #326. I am going to release a bug-fixed version today.

Thank you for reporting the bug.