minorua / Qgis2threejs

3D map visualization and web export plugin for QGIS
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inconsistent behavior: "spaghetti" render mode #327

Open fsiler opened 4 months ago

fsiler commented 4 months ago

If I take this DEM file, set it as elevation, and then attempt to view it in qgis2threejs, I often (but not always) get something that looks like this:


Any ideas on how to troubleshoot? I've seen this happen with many different DEM files. Sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling qgis2threejs helps and sometimes not. I can't reproduce it reliably either; sometimes a file will work flawlessly and sometimes not.

minorua commented 4 months ago

This is a commonly asked question. Probably the CRS (Coordinate Reference System) of your project is a geographic coordinate system, with degrees as the horizontal unit and meters as the vertical unit. Try changing the CRS of your project to a projected coordinate system to ensure consistency in horizontal and vertical units.

fsiler commented 4 months ago

Fantastic, I will try that, thank you. Is there any way to detect this condition- perhaps by aspect ratio of the rendered model- and suggest a suitable coordinate system?