minorua / Qgis2threejs

3D map visualization and web export plugin for QGIS
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[No 3D objects were rendered? There is a compatibility issue with QGIS 3D view...] #339

Open jpdeglet69 opened 2 months ago

jpdeglet69 commented 2 months ago


Issue or? in an existing project.

Error : No 3D objects were rendered? There is a compatibility issue with QGIS 3D view. You need to close QGIS 3D view(s) and restart QGIS to use this preview.

but I don't and never defined/used QGIS 3D views in this project.

It was running fine a couple of days...

The Qgis2threejs re-installation doesn't solved the issue.

A lot of WebGL/Java Errors see screenshot attached.

Capture d’écran 2024-04-18 à 13 06 48


jlpoolen commented 2 months ago

I've had problems, too, and get the type of errors you show when loading GeoTIFF from USGS (United States Geological Survey). I went a step further and proceeded with an export which occurred. Then I submitted two of the image files, i.e. test_export_gLTF.gltf, generated from the Qgis2Three plugin to Don McCurdy's site at https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ and got these type of errors/warnings:

at https://gltf-viewer.donmccurdy.com/ attempt to view:


resulted in a black screen

When I clicked the errors icon at bottom left, this page:

Validation report

    Format: glTF 2.0
    Generator: THREE.GLTFExporter
        11 draw calls
        0 animations
        7 materials
        208182 vertices
        411360 triangles

Report generated byKhronosGroup/glTF-Validator 2.0.0-dev.3.9.
Error   Message Pointer
ARRAY_TYPE_MISMATCH Type mismatch. Array element null is not a 'number'.    /accessors/4/min
ARRAY_TYPE_MISMATCH Type mismatch. Array element null is not a 'number'.    /accessors/4/max
MESH_PRIMITIVE_POSITION_ACCESSOR_WITHOUT_BOUNDS accessor.min and accessor.max must be defined for POSITION attribute accessor.  /meshes/5/primitives/0/attributes/POSITION
ACCESSOR_INVALID_FLOAT  Accessor element at index 2 is NaN. /accessors/4
ACCESSOR_INVALID_FLOAT  Accessor element at index 5 is NaN. /accessors/4
ACCESSOR_INVALID_FLOAT  Accessor element at index 8 is NaN. /accessors/4
ACCESSOR_INVALID_FLOAT  Accessor element at index 11 is NaN.    /accessors/4
ACCESSOR_INVALID_FLOAT  Accessor element at index 14 is NaN.    /accessors/4
ACCESSOR_INVALID_FLOAT  Accessor element at index 17 is NaN.    /accessors/4
ACCESSOR_INVALID_FLOAT  Accessor element at index 20 is NaN.    /accessors/4
Info    Message Pointer
UNUSED_OBJECT   This object may be unused.  /meshes/0/primitives/0/attributes/TEXCOORD_0
UNUSED_OBJECT   This object may be unused.  /meshes/1/primitives/0/attributes/TEXCOORD_0
UNUSED_OBJECT   This object may be unused.  /meshes/2/primitives/0/attributes/TEXCOORD_0
UNUSED_OBJECT   This object may be unused.  /meshes/3/primitives/0/attributes/TEXCOORD_0
UNUSED_OBJECT   This object may be unused.  /meshes/4/primitives/0/attributes/TEXCOORD_0
IMAGE_NPOT_DIMENSIONS   Image has non-power-of-two dimensions: 1024x951.    /images/0
IMAGE_NPOT_DIMENSIONS   Image has non-power-of-two dimensions: 1024x951.    /images/1
IMAGE_NPOT_DIMENSIONS   Image has non-power-of-two dimensions: 1024x951.    /images/2
IMAGE_NPOT_DIMENSIONS   Image has non-power-of-two dimensions: 1024x951.    /images/3
IMAGE_NPOT_DIMENSIONS   Image has non-power-of-two dimensions: 1024x951.    /images/4

Unfortunately, I do not possess enough knowledge at this time about gLTF to know if these are fatal errors or not. I am troubled by the "IMAGE_NPOT_DIMENSIONS" errors which may be caused by my selecting a smaller area to export which perhaps is suppose to have a "power-of-two" dimension?

StefanKaiser-TomTom commented 2 months ago

duplicate? https://github.com/minorua/Qgis2threejs/issues/222