minosworld / minos

MINOS: Multimodal Indoor Simulator
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How could I Print position of agent like nvmap #126

Closed Usama323 closed 5 years ago

Usama323 commented 5 years ago

I want to print the position and angle of agent , just like nvmap command is providing. If I could save them in excel or text form or could display them on terminal continuously.
map_158 map_129

Like shown in above images

Usama323 commented 5 years ago

kindly reply me @msavva or @angelxuanchang , I really need answer to this question, looking forward for your reply

angelxuanchang commented 5 years ago

You can use the --log_action_trace true option to save action_trace.csv in the log directory. This option should work for both pygame_client and the gym demo. This file will contain the position of the agent in the "px,py,pz" fields. You can use minos/server/visualize_traces.js --trace_file <filename> to visualize the action trace.

The position is also reported by in the info field of the response. The info field should look something like this:

  {'position': [4.281050989983723, 0.53564888, -3.020889699499121],
   'orientation': [-0.8588654959923366, 0, 0.5122011907384025]}, 
   'goal': [
       {'type': 'position', 'position': [1.2792186244623651, 0.53564888, -1.7029638995910343], 
         'room': ['R5'], 'roomType': ['dining room'], 
          'initialOffsetFromAgent': [2.884750516649895, 0, -2.681519118953451], 
           'cell': {'i': 41, 'j': 99, 'id': 8258, 'isValid': True}

See https://github.com/minosworld/minos/blob/master/minos/tools/pygame_client.py#L103 . (you can print out the response by pressing 'o' when using the pygame_client)

Usama323 commented 5 years ago

Thanks @angelxuanchang , can you kindly explain the orientation and position ? I mean how they are working ?, Also explain their unit (i.e) cm,mm,um etc for position and rad,degree for angle ? Where is origin of axis in a room ? Every time i start minos and press 'O' it give values in negative for position(what does this mean). Thanks in advance for this act of kindness, looking forward for your reply

angelxuanchang commented 5 years ago

The scene unit is in meters. The position is the absolute position of the agent in the scene. There is no special meaning for the position 0,0,0. The orientation of the agent is the direction vector for the agent.

Usama323 commented 5 years ago

One last question, if we save these values in .csv format as mentioned above. Is it possible to plot/draw the path fallowed using MATLAB or some coding language ? if it is possible then kindly tell the steps/method for it. Thanks in advance for this act of kindness

angelxuanchang commented 5 years ago

Please use minos/server/visualize_traces.js --trace_file <filename> to visualize the path. You can, of course, use MATLAB or some other coding language to implement the plotting of the path as well but you will need to implement the logic yourself. Note that the csv use '-' to indicate that a value is unchanged from before.

Usama323 commented 5 years ago

Ok! Thanks @angelxuanchang . Can you now kindly explain the direction vector (what is x,y,z in this case) little bit, I mean how it is working what does (-0.999) means and what does (0.999) means ? Also can you kindly explain the direction vector along up and down (ceiling and floor), how is that working ? what does -1 means and what does 1 means? Thanks in advance for this act of kindness. I need to understand these, looking forward for your reply

Usama323 commented 5 years ago

@angelxuanchang can you kindly reply to my last comment?, I would figure-out the rest myself. But for this I need to understand orientation.

angelxuanchang commented 5 years ago

The direction vector is a normalized vector in Minos world coordinate frame indicating the direction the agent is facing. The agent uses a coordinate frame with Y up and -Z front. Minos uses a world coordinate frame with the same conventions: Y up and -Z front. Both SUNCG and Matterport3d scenes are rotated to match this (SUNCG from Y up, +Z front and Matterport3D Z up, -X front, the front is somewhat arbitrary). The Y component of the orientation should be 0 since the agent is just moving in the XZ plane. If you want the relative orientation of the agent to the goal, you will find that in observation.measurements.direction_to_goal

Usama323 commented 5 years ago

ok, and can you tell that "observation.measurements.direction_to_goal" is a command or some file? where to get it ? that's all and thanks for such a explained reply @angelxuanchang !

angelxuanchang commented 5 years ago

It is part of the observations that is returned by the simulator at each step. Please see https://github.com/minosworld/minos/blob/master/minos/tools/pygame_client.py#L84 for example of how the measurements are extracted and https://github.com/minosworld/minos/blob/master/API.md#return-object for example of what is returned.

Usama323 commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot @angelxuanchang, for the guidance it was very helping!