minosworld / minos

MINOS: Multimodal Indoor Simulator
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Terminal Display Modification #70

Open kanwal41g opened 6 years ago

kanwal41g commented 6 years ago

I have seen that the following file is responsible for most of the display on the Terminal as the simulator works....


However, i dont see print "orientation" anywhere in this file. Can you please guide as how to access that?

msavva commented 6 years ago

The pygame_client.py implements the interactive control interface. If you want to look at an example of reading back agent state data programmatically, the gym/demo.py example is probably a much better start. In that file, you can pull out the agent's orientation using info['agent_state']['orientation'].

kanwal41g commented 6 years ago

I have checked the .demo file but it has the following commands: color = observation["observation"]["sensors"]["color"]["data"]

It doesnt have this command anywhere. info['agent_state']['orientation'] which you stated in your reply. kindly guide how do i add this command.

Also, i have the GYM folder downloaded but when i give the command .demo.py/ it gives me following error. bash: .demo.py/: No such file or directory

msavva commented 6 years ago

Please make sure you have followed the gym demo setup instructions described in https://github.com/minosworld/minos/tree/master/gym You should then be able to run from within the gym directory through python3 demo.py What I stated is code that you would have to write yourself inline with the demo code. For example, you could print(info['agent_state']['orientation']) after line https://github.com/minosworld/minos/blob/master/gym/demo.py#L23 which performs the simulation step and returns the observation and info variables

kanwal41g commented 6 years ago

This command do work but the simulatuon speed is very high. What can i do to slow it down. Or control it myself?