minovakovi / akdb

An experimental relational DBMS developed by students @ Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb
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#178 Added CI/CD pipeline with Github Actions #214

Closed zanzlender closed 2 years ago

zanzlender commented 2 years ago

Additionally, follow these steps to get the necessary secret:

  1. In the navbar click on the profile dropdown --> Settings
  2. At the bottom of the left menu click Developer Settings
  3. Click Personal access token
  4. Generate new token with the following info
    • note: AKDB_ACTION_KEY
    • expiration: No expiration
    • scopes: Select all of repo, workflow, write:packages, delete:packages
  5. Generate token
  6. Copy the token
  7. Go to repo --> Settings
  8. In the left menu click Secrets --> Actions
  9. New repository secret with the following info
    • name: AKDB_ACTION_KEY
    • value: token copied in step 6
  10. Add secret