minterm / AWGN

Matlab simulation of QPSK modulation through an AWGN channel with and without channel coding
MIT License
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Undefined function or variable 'BDetector'? #1

Open deepcomp2023 opened 2 years ago

deepcomp2023 commented 2 years ago


When I ran the scripts from project.m file:

Undefined function or variable 'BDetector'.

Error in Run2 (line 14)
rdemod     = Demodulator(BDetector(rrx));

Error in Project (line 36)
    x = log10(Run2(snr_log(i), n));

It seems there is no function naming BDetector?

minterm commented 2 years ago

From looking at Run1, my guess is that I renamed BDetector QpskDetector at some point and it never made it into Run2. Try changing it to QpskDetector and comment if it works!