mintproject / MINT-Transformation

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Add changes needed for DAME integration #90

Closed minhptx closed 4 years ago

minhptx commented 4 years ago

Change log:


  1. Set enviroment variable DATA_CATALOG_DOWNLOAD_DIR, where the data will be downloaded.

  2. Start docker container docker run --rm -p 5000:5000 -v $(pwd):/ws -v /tmp:/tmp -w /ws -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash mint_dt

  3. Run the run script using the following command

    ./run --config [config_path] -i1 [dataset_id1] -i2 [dataset_id2] ... -p1 [param1] -p2 [param2] ... -o1 [output_file1]
    • Inputs of pipelines are always dataset IDs.
    • The pipeline will always have only one output.
    • All arguments are corresponding with {PARAMS}, {INPUTS}, {OUTPUTS} keywords in YAML files.
    • Examples can be found here:
    • templates folder: template YAML files
    • filled folder: YAML files with parameters filled in
    • scripts folder: scripts with all parameters specified for testing