mintproject / ModelCatalog

A repository containing the resources needed to create a catalog of software model models and link them together
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Topoflow variables mismatch #27

Open dgarijo opened 4 years ago

dgarijo commented 4 years ago

Scott sent these variables, but they are different from the ones we have. We have to match them:

for the ISRIC soil data and GPM rainfall are just these (with the units used by ISRIC indicated in brackets):

atmosphere_waterrainfall_volume_flux, [mm hr-1] soilbulk_density, [kg m-3] ## (need to confirm SVO name) soil_claymass_fraction, [%, 100 * kg/kg] soil_sandmass_fraction, [%, 100 kg/kg] soil_silt__mass_fraction, [%, 100 kg/kg] soil_matter~organic__mass_fraction, [g / kg]

The soil hydraulic variables we've been generating using my "" code are listed here (with units in brackets; 1 = unitless): soil_waterbrooks-corey_eta_parameter, # eta [1] soil_water__brooks-corey_lambda_parameter, # lam [1] soil_waterbrooks-corey-smith_c_parameter, # c [1] soil_waterbubbling_pressure_head, # psi_B (or pB in code) [m] soil_watergreen-ampt_capillary_length, # G [m] soil_waterhydraulic_conductivity, # K [m s-1] soil_waterinitial_hydraulic_conductivity, # K_i (or Ki in code) [m s-1] soil_waterinitial_volume_fraction, # theta_i (or qi in code) [1] soil_waterpressure_head, # psi [m] soil_waterresidual_volume_fraction, # theta_r (or qr in code) [1] soil_watersaturated_hydraulic_conductivity, # K_s (or Ks in code) [m s-1] soil_watersaturated_volume_fraction, # theta_s (or qs in code) [1] soil_watervan-genuchten_alpha_parameter # alpha [1/m] soil_water__van-genuchten_n_parameter # n [1] soil_water__van-genuchten_l_parameter # l (lower case "L") [1]