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What is the ADMIN_PASSWORD? #10

Closed mosoriob closed 1 year ago

mosoriob commented 1 year ago


      $ kubectl -n default exec deployment/iu-model-catalog-endpoint -c endpoint -- \
        sh -c '
          curl localhost:3030/modelcatalog/data \
           -X POST 
           -u admin:${ADMIN_PASSWORD} \
           --upload-file /fuseki-base/seeds/model-catalog.trig \
           -H  "Content-Type: application/trig"
mosoriob commented 1 year ago

ADMIN_PASSWORD is the password of the model catalog endpoint stored as an environment variable on the container.

The model catalog endpoint is an RDF store Apache Fuseki instance.

You can check the environment variables using the following command.

kubectl -n default exec deployment/test-model-catalog-endpoint -c endpoint -- \
        sh -c 'env';

Or filter the ADMIN_PASSWORD using grep

kubectl -n default exec deployment/test-model-catalog-endpoint -c endpoint -- \
        sh -c 'env | grep ADMIN_PASSWORD';