mintsoft / kodi.plugin.ytchannels

GNU General Public License v3.0
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uses youtube video api endpoint for published time #12

Closed yeahme49 closed 4 years ago

yeahme49 commented 4 years ago

instead of playlisttitem endpoint and adds published date to video description.

the old endpoint wasn't always when the video was actually made public and viewable. i noticed it with a video that had been a live stream. the live stream was actually about a week after it was initally created in the youtube streaming control panel. so the playlistitem published date was a week earlier than it should have been. now it uses the actual published date of the video which should be more accurate (the youtube kodi plugin uses this value also i believe).

mintsoft commented 4 years ago

Ah excellent, I think I've noticed this myself when videos I haven't watch appear below videos I have.

mintsoft commented 4 years ago

Thanks @yeahme49 I've packaged that up and it should be released shortly: