mintsoft / kodi.plugin.ytchannels

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Error: no such table: pragma_table_info #13

Closed derdershat closed 3 years ago

derdershat commented 3 years ago


I normally use your ytchannels addon but now I get an addon error

I am on Kodi 18.8 (Windows)

2020-09-27 20:12:15.211 T:5372 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--

mintsoft commented 3 years ago

@derdershat interesting, is that since upgrading to 0.3.1 (released this weekend)?

mintsoft commented 3 years ago

@derdershat I can't reproduce this, from the error it looks like the version of SQLLite used isn't right. Is this the 18.8 release downloadable from here: or has it been compiled differently?

yeahme49 commented 3 years ago

@derdershat I can't reproduct this either. What version of ytchannels are you using? When did the error start occuring, after a plugin update or after a Kodi update?

Edit: pragma_table_info was added in sqlite 3.16. Leia and Matrix use 3.26 (Leia was updated to 3.26 in December 2018) so Kodi 18.8 has the correct version of sqlite (unless self compiled with an older version for some reason). Going to look into another way to do this query in case anyone using Krypton or older is trying to use the addon.

Edit2: Just realized the addon only shows up in the Leia and Matrix repos due to the python version required in addon.xml. The python2 version requires python 2.26.0 in addon.xml which is Leia. I think I found a workaround that doesn't use pragma_table_info but since Leia should have the proper sqlite version, I don't know that I want to change it until we can figure out why this error is occuring.

derdershat commented 3 years ago


I use YouTube Channels version= 0.3.1
installed from official repo + downloaded from here

I tried it again with a fresh installed Kodi 18.8 32bit (downloaded from on my Windows 10 PC and got the same error...

here a full log

I checked the sqlite3.dll but have no version detail ... date is from 05.02.2016 or do you mean the python sqlite3?

yeahme49 commented 3 years ago

Ok I figured it out.

I was getting 3.26 for the sqlite version from I'm not sure what that is used for, maybe Linux versions. But on Windows it uses to download the proper files. Leia 32-bit is using 3.10.2 which is not new enough. Leia 64-bit uses 3.17.0, not sure why they are such different versions.

I will test my alternate way of checking for the column and submit a pull request today.

derdershat commented 3 years ago

thank you very much, your changes in works here

mintsoft commented 3 years ago

Aha, that explains it 👍