mintsoft / kodi.plugin.ytchannels

GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sync with RSS [Feature Request] #48

Open Venkman42 opened 1 month ago

Venkman42 commented 1 month ago

Hi there,

It would be awesome if it was possible to sync this with FreshRSS or at least being able to add rss video feeds. I have my YouTube collections in freshrss E.g a category with documentaries where I added the National Geographic channel and a few others to be aggregated. It would be really cool to either sync freshrss directly or use my aggregated documentary rssfeed as a source instead of a channel

mintsoft commented 1 month ago

Hmm, sounds like a potentially useful feature although I've not heard of anyone else using freshrss (or any other RSS feeds) in that manner before. Does it belong in YTChannels though? I think its potentially a different RSS plugin for Kodi rather than an extension to this one? I'm not sure either way

Venkman42 commented 1 month ago

It's actually pretty nice to organize channels into categories and make a more conscious decision of what to watch.

I've tried the RSS Podcast Plug-in but couldn't get it to show me the videos In Kodi and your app has a similar purpose, so I thought it could be interesting.

I love the idea of the YouTube Channels Plugin, but it would be great if I could also access and organize the stuff on my phone/laptop and let it sync. I guess RSS would be a technology that makes sense for this kind of task

mintsoft commented 4 weeks ago

I'll have a play and see if it's something that I'd potentially use, if it is then I'll look at whether I could add it into this. If it's not something that I'd use personally, then I'd be reluctant to add it into this plugin because it'll basically always end up broken when I change things

Venkman42 commented 4 weeks ago

Totally understandable, thanks for looking into it :)

Make sure to use the right rss paths though, e.g. to add a Playlists as an RSS Feed Or To add a channel as an RSS Feed