mintty / wsltty

Mintty as a terminal for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows / WSL
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Use configuration file from WSL not from Windows? #231

Open yves-chevallier opened 4 years ago

yves-chevallier commented 4 years ago

I use .dotfiles deployment in my Linux and I would like to use ~/.config/mintty directly for mintty. Unfortunately I have to place the config files into %APPDATA%\mintty\config. I have tried to use windows shortcuts but it doesn't work.

Is there a way to use the config from the WSL environment?

mintty commented 4 years ago

In wsltty, you can also access the config folder via wslpath "$APPDATA"/wsltty (wsltty-specific) or wslpath "$APPDATA"/mintty (shared with other mintty instances).

mintty commented 4 years ago

For a more POSIX-like feeling, you could also link the Windows config folder to the assumed WSL config directory: ln -s $(wslpath "$APPDATA"/wsltty) ~/.config/