mintty / wsltty

Mintty as a terminal for Bash on Ubuntu on Windows / WSL
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Chocolatey package: Upgrading brings up dialog box #309

Open slycordinator opened 2 years ago

slycordinator commented 2 years ago

When I upgrade wsltty, it always brings a dialog box asking if I would like to overwrite existing files.

This is done through chocolatey.

Chocolatey extracts the installation using Start-Process -FilePath "$filePath" -ArgumentList "/T:$toolsDir\wslttyinstall /C /Q" -WorkingDirectory "$toolsdir" -Wait

And the wsltty installer executables seem to have no option for enabling over-writing existing files


Note: If the directories in the screenshot look strange, I'm on a Korean computer and '\' is the same key as '₩'.

mintty commented 2 years ago

The chocolatey installer is not maintained here, involving @AeliusSaionji.