mintystark / starkmenu

Custom Menu for Linux Cinnamon based off of physics Windows 7 Menu
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Some menu labels gotten transparent #10

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

68a767ec-7710-11e5-8d9c-4fa2a114a88e Hi,

Thats what i get on 2.6.13 mint version. on 2.6.13 github version it still works like it schould. why are menu/quicklinks labels turning transparent?

regards bluedxca93

Trucido commented 8 years ago

same issue here on mint 17.3/cinnamon 2.8

there was a lot of code changes in the global menu API. It's affecting a lot of menu applets. large discussion here

I assume the original author is MIA, so if anyone can post a fix that would be super - this is my favorite cinnamon menu.

Trucido commented 8 years ago

actually I see now there's a pull request with a fix here

I copied the applet.js from and it works fine now!

ghost commented 8 years ago


yes that fix work for now. it fixes on 2.6.13 and 2.8 versions. can't tell if and how it works in future. but it schould work some time i guess. maybe even on 3.0.

all i did for this.patch was creating an new .prototype and a new empty function exactly like its done in 2.6.7.

regards bluedxca93

ghost commented 8 years ago


the change is that


is now replaced sometimes with:


which executes this small code prototype from 2.6.7 included now in the applet.js.

maybe there is a more elegant solution loading directly popupbasemenuitem widget function dont know yet.

regards bluedxca93

Trucido commented 8 years ago

either way, even if it's a bit of a hack the menu still works great. fastest loading menu on this slow laptop out of all the ones I've tried, including the default cinnamon one (which has like a 2 second delay)

thanks again :)

ghost commented 8 years ago


can you try to describe second bug mentioned with menu flackering more. didn't understand it . do you mean the favorite/menu changer button?. had it defined slightly differently while working on this patch, maybe i can upload it too if i find it and have time to do it.. perhaps thats the bugfix oft this bug couldnt reproduce it.

better logout and relogin before really testing it after patching applet.js . cinnamon saves applet code partially in ramu sometimes.

regards bluedxca93