mintystark / starkmenu

Custom Menu for Linux Cinnamon based off of physics Windows 7 Menu
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Adaption to 2.8+ #11

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Increasing compatibility to 2.8 by forking popupsubmenuitem and including earlier bugfixes from g to c menu for adaption to Cinnamon 2.8 port by hawstan.

ghost commented 8 years ago

issue 2) video please since i dont understand the error. am looking at it again next days.

regards bluedxca93

Trucido commented 8 years ago

@bluedxca93 RE 2. I can't reproduce that behavior now, odd... seems to be fixed either by some random configuration changes I've been making or something else. RE 1. I can't reproduce that either, it might have been an odd configuration I had. Originally I had more favorites than the menu could display, and large icon sizes but I've since shrunk them to fit. when there's too many favorites it overlaps the "all programs" and search box and part of the panel even. Might have also been from a previous weird bug I had where I couldn't get the right click menu on favorites to show, only in "all programs". this occurred before your commit though. Could even be some weird icon conflicts too since I have a custom icon theme inheriting about 10 others with some overridden icons. they're all gtk-update-icon-cache-3.0'd though so I dunno.

seems to be working perfectly now, thanks again for fixing startkmenu!

+1 for merging pull request (if the original author is still even around)

magellan-13016 commented 8 years ago

Hi... Is there a way to put the opened menu to the left border of the screen ? On my computer, even the start button is the first icon on the left, the menu is opened some pixels to the right (about 20... can't count them with a mouse) and there is a space between the left side of the screen and the menu...

Thanks for answer.


NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

@bluedxca93: I use StarkMenu with CinnXP Theme. The colors of the username and the descriptions of the applications are very similar. So it is nearly unreadable. Do you know how to fix it.

But I don't want the color of the text to be changed. Personally I would like the usericon and username to be on the top left like in the Windows XP menu. And I want the darkblue bottom of the menu to be higher, like in the original mint menu, and the descriptions of the applications should be shown on the bottom. (Like in the preinstalled Cinnamon Menu with the CinnXP theme.)

Can you help me with that?


ghost commented 8 years ago


not really, i could change the font color to black lighten that one menu gradient but not more.

b.t.W. its unecessary to move the user name to top. Why? Small ui differences can be very useful.

regards bluedxca93

ghost commented 8 years ago

you have a different applet in mind and im not the right person to ask,

sry. im more specialized in gtk3 and.cinnamon theming than app writing. Just patched it (know what some lines.of the code do.but not all ).

a menu where quicklings remain visible when opening menu is easy to do. but that isn't for user icon. please look in applet source code. can make the changes yourself. All you need is time some english and a little bit of general computer language knowledge.

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

Okay. Thanks anyway. Could you tell me, how can I change the font color?

ghost commented 8 years ago


.hover-label { color : #000; }

to your cinnamon.css and restart. guess that helps for the color.

thx for the improvement with the icon check it next week.

regards bluedxca93

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

@bluedxca93: Thanks it worked. I tweaked a little bit more to make it look more like WinXP menu. If I can get rid of this white gap on the top, I will be happy. Do you have any idea how to do this? bildschirmfoto vom 2016-01-10 02 42 15

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

To another topic. I found an issue with this menu. If I change the icon theme, StarkMenu does not refresh on its own. That isn't a big deal. Just wanted to mention it.

ghost commented 8 years ago

hi, widget: you did ask for a cinnxp.control theme , maybe this different theme works better for now (since it was written for ubuntu 14.04 gtk3.10 not 3.18). there are some changes between both versions .

scss means a condensed form of css. after analyzing it, ive found itmakes sense if you have backdrop and a flat or very logical theme. 3.10 isn't optimized for the necessary changes to minimize source code like this and so it has slightly different widget classes .

gtk3-widget-factory and file-roller are good applications to demonstrate this.

cinnamon theme: px gap somewhere padding value in boxpointer?

your changes in menu: look at them and merge them into my version of stark menu applet fork next week.

regards bluedxca93

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

@bluedxca93: Sorry it is not really clear to me, to whom your last answer belongs?

I don't understand your comment: "your changes in menu: look at them and merge them into my version of stark menu applet fork next week."

Should I look and merge at them or will you?

To the CinnXP Control theme. There is now a gtk-3.10 version available. I haven't tried it yet, but will tomorrow. (For the last few days I worked with a hybrid control theme. I copied the gtk-3 directory from Mint-X theme into CinnXP. ;)

ghost commented 8 years ago

hi. to you ( nikokrause) yes i did just send you link for ylmfos 14.04 theme. you can test it as well the new 3.10 cinnxp theme.

maybe you could send a pull request of your current version to mintystark/starkmenu and. bluedxca93/starkmenu.

regards bluedxca93

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

Hey, unfortunatelly I changed all oft my code without git. I'm not very familiar with git and don't have the time to struggle with installing git right now.

Anyway. For now I have just changed the font color in cinnamon.css as you recommened. Also I changed the background color of some boxes, so I have the blue color on the right not on the left. But these are changes of CinnXP. Not of Stark.

My previor pull requests were fixes of StarkMenu. And my last changes I made, were all due to the colors of the menu to have it look more like XP. So I'm not sure if somebody wants this changes, cause the idea of StarkMenu is 7 not XP.

If I fix something in StarkMenu in the future, I will for sure make a pull request. But for now I am to afraid to mess things up in git with things that are not in the interest of many people, who don't want to use StarkMenu with CinnXP.

But if you are still interessed, I could send you my files per E-Mail. Maybe you could give me some tipps how I can fork this Menu the right way. Without messing Stark up, so people who are interessed could decide whether or not they want to use the fixed original Stark or my messed up with CinnXP. When I have more time in some months I'm going to give it a try to create a better XP menu. But for now, I'm good with StarkMenu with changed background color.

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

Sorry, forget my answer before. Now I understand what you meant. I could't see the pull request button on the mobile phone. Pull request should now be there.

ghost commented 8 years ago


ok, send me them with mail. (

or on pm.

I'look and import your fixes not related to xp (mention your name of course) and if you have a great name i do help you forking it properly.

regards bluedxca93

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner: all fixes related to stark I made, were to fix the two checkboxes "show places" and "show recent files", in the settings of the menu, cause they didn't worked. And I added a checkbox in the settings, so you are able to give the menu the path to you custom icon directory, if you check the box. And if you uncheck it, the icon goes back to default.

These two changes are in my Repo. Isn't it possible two download it Form there? If not I will send you the file with these patches.

Or have I forgotten something?

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner: If you want to experiment with the code: I use a very usefull shortcut in Linux Mint. After I made some changes to the code, I safe the file, reload Cinnamon with Ctrl+Alt+ESC and watch what happened. If I don't like it, I redo the changes.

ghost commented 8 years ago


do merge and test tmrw the pull request to.bluedxca93/ starkmenu .

regards bluedxca93

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

@bluedxca93: Sorry but I don't understand your last comment? Is this even a sentence?

ghost commented 8 years ago

hi, erm. not really i agree. damn mobile phone.

but well ive received the changes on stark menu as pull request and do include them in bluedxca93/starkmenu.

perhaps more understandable this time.

regards bluedxca93

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner: You can try my changes without messing git up. You can use both menus at once. Just need this steps:

  1. Click "Download zip" in my repo (
  2. Unzip the zip file. Rename it for example to TestStarkMenu@mintystark.
  3. Then search in the applet.js file for StarkMenu@mintystark and change it to TestStarkMenu@mintystark.
  4. Also change this int the metadata.json file (StarkMenu@mintystark --> TestStarkMenu@mintystark and StarkMenu --> TestStarkMenu)
  5. After that you can move the TestStarkMenu@mintystark directory to /home/%USER/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/
  6. Now you can add TestStarkMenu to your panel without any problems. (Maybe you have to restar Cinnamon with CTRL+ALT+ESC.)
  7. If your done with testing, just delete the TestStarkMenu@mintystark directory.

That's all.

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

Okay I did it. I'm pretty happy with it. The only downside is, that the menu "jumps" when I press the "All Applications" button and the "Favorites" button. (See pictures: Switch between them, then you see the jump.) But I can live with that. If someone knows the answer, I would be happy to hear the solution. But I won't work for the next few weeks/months on it (Takes too much time).

bildschirmfoto vom 2016-01-11 12 56 22 bildschirmfoto vom 2016-01-11 12 56 39

ghost commented 8 years ago

You want to set real_width_of(.menu-favorites-box + "?quicklinks container?") equal to real_width_of( .menu-categories-box + .menu-applications-box )??

Difficult task,

maybe set a min-width for menu-categories box. It depends on your font config b.t.w. and the same thing in german

Ich denke , dass man beide Menüoptionen gleich aussehen lassen kann, wenn man eine minimale Breite für die Box die die Programkategorien enthält festlegt. Ist immer von der Schriftart-/ghröße abhängig. Eventuell noch von der Auflösung. Schreib einfach min-width: xyzpx in .menu-categories box. .xyz ermittelt man am besten mit gimp und durch trial and error. Schätze so um die 190-200px.

regards/mfg bluedxca93

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 1:12 PM, NikoKrause wrote:

Okay I did it. I'm pretty happy with it. The only downside is, that the menu "jumps" when I press the "All Applications" button and the "Favorites" button. (See pictures: Switch between them, then you see the jump.) But I can live with that. If someone knows the answer, I would be happy to hear the solution. But I won't work for the next few weeks/months on it (Takes too much time).

[image: bildschirmfoto vom 2016-01-11 12 56 22] [image: bildschirmfoto vom 2016-01-11 12 56 39]

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ghost commented 8 years ago

B.t.w. what font do you use?

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 1:47 PM, Frieder Saugschmerle <> wrote:

You want to set real_width_of(.menu-favorites-box + "?quicklinks container?") equal to real_width_of( .menu-categories-box + .menu-applications-box )??

Difficult task,

maybe set a min-width for menu-categories box. It depends on your font config b.t.w. and the same thing in german

Ich denke , dass man beide Menüoptionen gleich aussehen lassen kann, wenn man eine minimale Breite für die Box die die Programkategorien enthält festlegt. Ist immer von der Schriftart-/ghröße abhängig. Eventuell noch von der Auflösung. Schreib einfach min-width: xyzpx in .menu-categories box. .xyz ermittelt man am besten mit gimp und durch trial and error. Schätze so um die 190-200px.

regards/mfg bluedxca93

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 1:12 PM, NikoKrause wrote:

Okay I did it. I'm pretty happy with it. The only downside is, that the menu "jumps" when I press the "All Applications" button and the "Favorites" button. (See pictures: Switch between them, then you see the jump.) But I can live with that. If someone knows the answer, I would be happy to hear the solution. But I won't work for the next few weeks/months on it (Takes too much time).

[image: bildschirmfoto vom 2016-01-11 12 56 22] [image: bildschirmfoto vom 2016-01-11 12 56 39]

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

Okay. I will give it a try in a few days. I didn't changed the font of StarkMenu. Don't know how to do it? Or is the font set in CinnXP? Didn't changed that either.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner not changed anything regarding boxpointer in that patch.

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

@bluedxca93: There is a funtion often used in the applet.JS file: = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: "menu-application-box"})

The menu-application-box is set in the cinnamon.css of the actually used theme. My question is: Can I do something like:

if(style_class "starkmenu-application-box" exists in cinnamon.css) = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: "starkmenu-application-box"}) else = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: "menu-application-box"})

ghost commented 8 years ago

hi, good question. the problem is how to check that the css class does or doesnt exist.

maybe code sample is in configurable menu? don't know..

regards bluedxca93

ghost commented 8 years ago

i believe you could define a fixed setting in the applet css and then overwrite that with theme css but that isn't what is asked here i know.

mintystark commented 8 years ago

Sorry I am not much help in this thread, but for the css question I would think you could apply both. = new St.BoxLayout({ style_class: "menu-application-box starkmenu-application-box"})

That way if "starkmenu-application-box" exists it should overwrite "menu-application-box", but if it doesn't exist then it would just default to "menu-application-box". I haven't tested this.

mintystark commented 8 years ago

Wouldn't say legend :) I forked it from someone else as they stopped updating it. Now I am the one not updating it. Sorry, but I have recently moved to a Mac. So I haven't been using Linux and Cinnamon for a while. I do have a spare laptop and plan on upgrading to Cinnamon 2.8 to test the menu and make some suggested changes, but just haven't gotten around to it yet.

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner: I could send you the files tomorrow. Do you also want the blue sidebar in nemo? Or just the StarkMenu to look like XP?

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner: No, I don't even know where to search for. I still have no answer from petruzzi4prez. And without any further hint or idea I will not throw more time away on this minor problem. Actually I some kind of learned to like the gray box.

I will send you a ZIP file tomorrow, if you send me your mailaddress once again. But I habe to waren you. My XPStarkMenu looks pretty ugly with themes other than the one CinnXP theme you will get from me.

But you can install the fixed Win7StarkMenu also (aside to my XPStarkMenu cause I changed the name) from bluedxcas93 or from my repository. This Menu will look great with every theme. Even with my changed CinnXP theme.

NikoKrause commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner: Yes. There are 3 menus: 1) bluedxca93 repo: fixed the original StarkMenu to work with Cinnamon 2.8 2) my repo: I fixed some minor stuff from 1) that didn't worked and improved the feature to choose a custom icon. Actually this is still StarkMenu. It feels and looks like Stark. It is just fixed. (And if bluedxca93 merges my repo, then 1) and 2) will be the same. 3) Locally on my Computer I changed the Menu from my repo 2) (also I changed the CinnXP theme) , to make it look more like XP. But that's more of a quick and dirty solution. That's the reason why it looks ugly with other themes.

The third one isn't in a repo. Also I translated the third into german. Do you want to translate it back in english or should I send you an english version?

ghost commented 8 years ago

@cinnamoner no that wont work. why? cause even if it looks like it, it doesnt work in the same way as windows. to name a few practical differences important to a former xp user : no drive c desktop folder name translated. ext4 instead of ntfs and symlinks the media players and file managers no working exact paint clone (altetnative kolourpaint). executable files without fileending different file structure and a real kernel. grub even a n00b realizes that very fast as other differences too. so be careful. showing a xp user linux in whatevet version is good, but to lie isn't.

most simpler xp apps running fast under wine( better than reactos, and win7 if you don't need it).