minus34 / gnaf-loader

A quick way to get started with Geoscape's open GNAF & Admin Boundaries
Apache License 2.0
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[Q] source of dump files #85

Closed SpareShade closed 4 months ago

SpareShade commented 5 months ago

Hey @minus34, thank you for this great utility!!

What is the source of the pg_dump files from https://github.com/minus34/gnaf-loader#option-3---load-pg_dump-files?

The reason I'm asking is that I was looking for them on geoscape/data.gov.au websites but could not find them... the only place to have them is here :)

Also, there a number of tables missing, eg. address_aliases, localities, etc. that error during pg_restore, eg.

pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  relation "gnaf_202405.address_aliases" does not exist
Command was: ALTER TABLE gnaf_202405.address_aliases OWNER TO postgres;

Thanks again!

minus34 commented 4 months ago

Thanks @SpareShade!

The dump files are the full GNAF and Admin Bdy schemas created by gnaf-loader, not the raw schemas provided by Geoscape. They're not official versions as I've done a fair amount of optimisation and cleanup to make the datasets easier to use; and so you won't find them on geoscape.com.au or data.gov.au.

As for the error you're getting. That's very odd. I loaded the dump files on my work MacBook and that table is there along with the rest.

Are you running Postgres 14 or above?

ivanb777 commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the clarification @minus34!

The error is on me, being too eager I've skipped the PostGIS installation... both dumps restore without errors.

Thanks again for sharing this 🎆 !