minutemailer / react-popup

React popup component
MIT License
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Unknown plugin "transform-object-assign" #11

Closed afhaque closed 7 years ago

afhaque commented 8 years ago

Ran into this issue when running webpack to compile.

Module build failed: ReferenceError: Unknown plugin "transform-object-assign" sp ecified in "D:\\CodeWork\\React-HWs\\NYT-React\\node_modules\\react-popup\\.babe lrc" at 0, attempted to resolve relative to "D:\\CodeWork\\React-HWs\\NYT-React\ \node_modules\\react-popup"

tbleckert commented 8 years ago

Hm interesting. I haven't had time to test with webpack yet and honestly not that familiar with it. Did you run npm install first? babel-plugin-transform-object-assign is in the package.json so shouldn't be a problem. The plugin is then added in the .babelrc and is named transform-object-assign. Either babel has changed anything or something is different with webpack.

Please feel free to send in a PR if you find a solution. I will test with webpack as well as soon as I get some time over, busy times before the vacation :/

Thanks for reporting it!

mstearne commented 7 years ago

@afhaque this worked for my while using another component with the same error...


lib contains files that are already transpilied by babel You have to exclude node_modules in babel loader webpack config

module: {
  loaders: [{
      exclude: /node_modules/,
      test: /\.js$/,
      loader:  "babel"
marcianosr commented 7 years ago

I ran into the same issue installing react-slick. I got it working by installing transform-object-assign (https://www.npmjs.com/package/babel-plugin-transform-object-assign) and then putting "plugins": ["transform-object-assign"] in my ,babelrc file. In my webpack file I'm doing it like this:

plugins: [ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ $: "jquery", jQuery: "jquery", "window.jQuery": "jquery", ReactSlick: 'react-slick' }) ]

Then in your react file you can import it: import SlickSlider from 'react-slick';

Hope this works for other people!

bradleyess commented 7 years ago

Thanks @marcianosr - worked a treat.