minutis-redcall / redcall

RedCall is a messaging tool used by the French Red Cross. It aims to ask for thousands of volunteer's availability, gather volunteer's answers, and fill up ambulances or assistance units with the required people and skills when major incidents occur.
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Integrate a "chat" and stats page when DT is triggering Cadre of ULs #324

Open ninsuo opened 4 years ago

ninsuo commented 4 years ago

On Hold, since the google sheet may be enough for the current need, and spend our energy on other tickets. This ticket should be implemented rapidly so that we can put the link to the google sheet in the trigger: https://github.com/redcall-io/app/issues/358

The stats would still be useful

Original need : At Territorial Level, when the "Cadre Territorial" is triggering the "Cadre Locals" to setup a response to a big event (such as fire, flood, explosion, terrorist attack), the territorial management needs a better way to communicate between DT and UL cadres and monitor the progress of the Unite Local triggers.

When Creating a Trigger at DT Level :

When Checked, all triggers created within the 24h by the UL of the territory are part of the event.

A chat room is created that include people in the list. (Normally they should have a RedCall account that allows to create trigger, but maybe not, so if it's in the list, it should have access to the chat room)

Below the chat or in a Tab, display some stats for the first message of the trigger of each UL :

Name of the UL - person who triggered - number of SMS sent Each Response Option : number of response recieved

dev-mansonthomas commented 4 years ago


dev-mansonthomas commented 4 years ago

Full specs in French : https://docs.google.com/document/d/12oQi1yCnLp1kKeREsqiShdkebHc40GXobO1eQSqOJN8

dev-mansonthomas commented 4 years ago

Linked to https://github.com/redcall-io/app/issues/9 However, this solution seems better. DT will then says VPSP1&2 will go to Site A, VPSP2&3 to Site B etc...

dev-mansonthomas commented 3 years ago

Google Spreadsheet solution might be a good workaround, especially after GSuite is fully migrated at the RedCross.

ninsuo commented 3 years ago

If we integrate this ticket, it should be split into several ones