minvws / nl-kat-coordination

Repo nl-kat-coordination for minvws
European Union Public License 1.2
121 stars 54 forks source link

Design report flow: report formatting options #2993

Open RomijnHumanoids opened 1 month ago

RomijnHumanoids commented 1 month ago

During a discussion meeting about export setup page (the last page in the flow that will probably change name) we discussed that users can set a format option here about how it will appear in the reports overview page (e.g. aggregated?, everything separated, everything concatenated, concatenated per object type, concatenated per report type).

RomijnHumanoids commented 1 month ago

The first part of this is covered in the complete report flow design ticket I think #2955. The second part of changing the settings later on (from report history page for example) still has to be designed.

RomijnHumanoids commented 3 days ago

Reviewed by design team, awaiting approval for implementation. Review link: https://www.figma.com/design/GJCDuJYinANHYQ6Ystfzgn/%E2%9C%8D%F0%9F%8F%BC-KAT-%7C-For-Review-%7C-Reports-Page?node-id=1505-5874&t=ZejDLn2jFUKhBQB0-1