minvws / nl-kat-coordination

OpenKAT scans networks, finds vulnerabilities and creates accessible reports. It integrates the most widely used network tools and scanning software into a modular framework, accesses external databases such as shodan, and combines the information from all these sources into clear reports. It also includes lots of cat hair.
European Union Public License 1.2
128 stars 58 forks source link

Security-classification on physical output #3832

Open paulvandenbraken opened 2 weeks ago

paulvandenbraken commented 2 weeks ago

Could have for Kennisnet phase: Epic-3

Detailed description

Physical output (ie. printed reports/documentation) is labeled with a visible printed security-class.

Feature benefit / User story

As an employee, I want to directly see the physical report's classification so that I can follow my company's policies and take appropriate measures.

Refinement input: Kennisnet uses classifications "Geheim" (Secret) or "Vertrouwelijk" (Confidential). We suggest to have (by the administrator) selectable classes for flexibility-reasons so that individual businesses can select and print their own defined class, amongst others "Vertrouwelijk' and "Geheim" for Kennisnet.

underdarknl commented 2 weeks ago

I think this is reasonable, however, we should as @paulvandenbraken suggests make this class configurable (per report possibly), and maybe also make the leading added page configurable (it could just be an html file the user can host somewhere).