Open pk30123 opened 1 month ago
Hello, @pk30123
Thank you for using MA-LIO. I’m not entirely sure what the issue is based on just the RViz view. Could you please check the terminal output for more details?
Thank you
with my dataset
auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [97] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311
setting /run_id to beaf3f7e-7be9-11ef-8c0f-5c879c224638 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [107] started core service [/rosout] process[laserMapping-2]: started with pid [110] process[rviz-3]: started with pid [115] Multi thread started
in urbannav i get the output
**** Multiple Asynchronous LiDAR Inertial Odometry (MA-LIO) ****
[Timestamp of Current State]: 0 secs
[x]: -0.40022 meter
[y]: 14.761 meter
[z]: -0.25905 meter
[qx]: -0.0022392
[qy]: -0.0031923
[qz]: 0.023296
[qw]: 0.99972
[x]: -0.029662 m/s
[y]: 5.4306 m/s
[z]: -0.093548 m/s
[LiDAR-IMU Extrinsic 0]:
Timestamp for the Lastest Point: 1621322436.2058365345 secs
[x]: 0.30135 meter
[y]: -0.014685 meter
[z]: 0.088213 meter
[qx]: 0.0011741
[qy]: 0.46298
[qz]: -0.018718
[qw]: 0.88617
[LiDAR-IMU Extrinsic 1]:
Timestamp for the Lastest Point: 1621322436.1959002018 secs
[x]: 0.01787 meter
[y]: 0.0090866 meter
[z]: 0.27047 meter
[qx]: 0.0018756
[qy]: -0.0021802
[qz]: -0.00050429
[qw]: 1
[Temporal discrepancy between LiDAR 0 and 1]: 9.9363 msecs
[Total Distance]: 15.562 meter
[Duration]: 7.7168 secs
[Map Point Count (Downsample w/ 0.5)]: 14264
[Computation Time]: 49.47 msecs
[Computation Time (Avg)]: 42.533 msecs
[RAM Allocation]: 241.54 MB
[VSZ]: 848.78 MB
Hi, is there any parameter to change icp characteristics so even less common points is needed ? Also how to select the point filter num parameter ,is there a rule of thumb or any?
Hi team, i tried MA-LIO in my databut the RVIZ is empty. The idea is similair to urbannav with a ouster and a velo. What parameter do i check? TIA,