miquido / AR_quido

Flutter mobile plugin for image recognition using Augmented Reality (AR) features
Apache License 2.0
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[Android] onDetectedImageTapped not being triggered #18

Open axiryo opened 3 months ago

axiryo commented 3 months ago

I was able to detect the image and do some print statements or show snackbar but when I am tapping on the detected image, nothing's happening. I was able to follow the readme and just copied the example. Maybe I am missing something, please tell me where I've gone wrong. Thanks.

PiotrMitkowski commented 3 months ago

Hello @axiryo! I'm assuming that you're running the app on Android. In that case, tapping on the detected image is not supported at the moment - it works only on iOS. We plan to add it in the future, but it isn't as easy as on iOS. Please confirm if that's your case.

axiryo commented 3 months ago

Hello @PiotrMitkowski. Yes, that is my case. If I wasn't able to read it in the documentation and posted this issue without knowing much about it, my apologies. We can close this now. Thank you so much.

PiotrMitkowski commented 3 months ago

I'll leave it open, so we can add this improvement in the future :) Thanks!