miquido / AR_quido

Flutter mobile plugin for image recognition using Augmented Reality (AR) features
Apache License 2.0
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Question: How to have an external set of images in the Cloud for recognition? #20

Open hohler opened 2 months ago

hohler commented 2 months ago

Hi Miquido Team

I really like how the plugin works. We have a special use case where we have potentially thousands of different images that can be recognized. The set will change over time. This would not scale if all the images need to be physically added to the app bundle.

I've seen that at least for ARKit, URLs of Images can be added. But I suppose that ARKit will download all images to be able to do the recognition, which probably won't scale?

Do you have any ideas how to solve this? Are there ways to e.g. use a Cloud AR / Image Recognition service with Augmented Reality on Flutter?

Thanks very much for the help!

Best, Andi

PiotrMitkowski commented 2 months ago

Hi @hohler!

Great to hear that you enjoy the plugin :)

We could explore the possibility of providing "external" images - as local paths, remote URLs and/or binary data. As you noticed, it shouldn't be hard. However, both used tools for AR don't perform well with a bigger number of images. E.g. for ARKit, it's recommended to load images in chunks of 100. This is still something doable on this package's side.

Regarding the cloud services, it'd be rather out of the scope of our plugin. Unfortunately, I don't have much time right now to do research, but if you could find applicable AR/image recognition services, we could get back to the discussion. I'm open even to give you a hand with creating a plugin for it.