mir-ethernity / mir-eternal

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Special ring and special set features please add #125

Open 7521468 opened 2 years ago

7521468 commented 2 years ago

Description of the function of the special ring The teleport ring requires the player to input @move X Y to teleport the defense ring will appear in the skills page of Self-healing skills can not upgrade skills, and the Fire ring will appear in the skills page of Fireball skills can not upgrade skills. These two rings will disappear after being removed, but will appear again after being re-worn. Below is a description of the functions of the special suitBelow is a description of the functions of the special suit The Memory set requires the player to enter the command @ in the chat box to enable platoon teleport

periko92 commented 2 years ago

隐身戒指 ClearRing 麻痹戒指 ParalysisRing 记忆头盔、记忆项链、记忆手镯、记忆戒指 (Recall set, helmet, neck, brace, ring)

Do you know how FlameRing it's called ingame?

7521468 commented 2 years ago

@periko92 I don't know if that's the right translation:Invisible ring paralysis ring resurrection ring body protection ring defense ring flame ring transmission recall set (memory helmet memory Necklace memory Bracelet memory ring)

periko92 commented 2 years ago

Can you write them in Chinese? So we can replicate in game and see whats happening.

At the moment: 隐身戒指 <- Buff not added ingame for ClearRing 麻痹戒指 <- Buff not added ingame for ParalysisRing

Did you try MemorySet if the command it's working? Maybe it's untranslated and needed to replicate in chinese.

7521468 commented 2 years ago

Can you write them in Chinese? So we can replicate in game and see whats happening.

At the moment: 隐身戒指 <- Buff not added ingame for ClearRing 麻痹戒指 <- Buff not added ingame for ParalysisRing

Did you try MemorySet if the command it's working? Maybe it's untranslated and needed to replicate in chinese.

隐身戒指 麻痹戒指 护身戒指 复活戒指 火焰戒指 防御戒指 超负载戒指 传送戒指 记忆头盔 记忆项链 记忆手镯 记忆戒指 魔血项链 魔血手镯 魔血戒指

periko92 commented 2 years ago

image At the moment, special items are not coded on server side

q1036027150 commented 1 year ago

神秘套装 魔血套装 每件都能增加血量 一套可以触发 魔血转换 攻击优先减去魔法值 虹魔套装 每件都能增加攻击吸血 记忆套装 一套 可以使用{@天人合一}命令实现小队传送 麻痹戒指 有概率给敌人添加麻痹buff 复活戒指 有概率在死亡后立即复活 防御戒指 佩戴后附加1级道士治疗术 火焰戒指 佩戴后附加法师小火球术 护身戒指 忘记了是不是这个效果触发 {佩戴后魔血转换 攻击优先减去魔法值} 传送戒指 {@天人合一}命令实现个人传送 穿云戒 可以使用{@天人合一}命令实现小队传送