HDF5 read write should be refactored for two key reasons:
1) HighFive has made changed a number of things in the syntax for their parallel read/write functionality.
2) We are now reading in HDF5 files for phonon-phonon interactions, el-ph interactions and in the near future other quantities as well.
The HDF5 read/write functions are currently scattered, and should be merged somehow into one or two utility files for the sake of code legibility and also future maintenance of the code.
HDF5 read write should be refactored for two key reasons:
1) HighFive has made changed a number of things in the syntax for their parallel read/write functionality. 2) We are now reading in HDF5 files for phonon-phonon interactions, el-ph interactions and in the near future other quantities as well.
The HDF5 read/write functions are currently scattered, and should be merged somehow into one or two utility files for the sake of code legibility and also future maintenance of the code.