miracle-as / AWX-RPM

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Provide RPMs for ansible-core and ansible galaxy collection #17

Open nkadel opened 2 years ago

nkadel commented 2 years ago

Some of the bulkier, and more awkward, components of installing awx are ansible itself. You're very welcome to my RPM building tools for RHEL 7 and RHEL 8 based operating systems, over at:

 https://github.com/nkadel/ansiblerepo/ .

I'm going to restrain my comments on the split of "ansible" and "ansible-core". Suffice to say that there is no point to installing the half a gig of deployed ansible galaxy modules in the "ansible" package, and that the ansible python modules and scripts are now actually in the "ansible-core" tarball and matching RPM. ansible-core 2.11, reliant on python 3.6, works well on RHEL 7 and RHEL 8. It's possible, though awkward, to use the available python 3.8 for RHEL 8 do do pip install for that package, but building the matching python38-ansible-core RPM requires an unwelcome chain of dependencies which are not stable for RHEL 8.

I've raised these issues in the ansible developer mailing list, In the meantime, you're quite welcome to my work to provide the ansible dependencies for awx use.

nkadel commented 2 years ago

I've been keeping my repos up to date, and and now include RHEL 9 tools as well. RHEL is publishing ansible-core 2.12 releases, I'm publishing ansible-core 2.13.0 with the workarounds to get past the jinja2 update requirement.

RHEL 7 is not boing to be able to get past ansible-core 2.11 due ot the python 3.8 requirements, not the incomplete suite of python 3.8 modules with the availble sclo-python38 version. "pip3 install ansible-core" works, but it's version limited by the python 3.8 requirments for a contemporary ansible-core.