miracleflame / SS2_CZ_Translation_SHTUP

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PSI hypo a iné hypo #67

Closed miracleflame closed 5 years ago

miracleflame commented 5 years ago

Je to nejako preložené? Ja by som aj ostal pri hypo.

voodoo47 commented 5 years ago

hypa sme dali ako "serum" ked som to riesil este ako WEXov preklad s par CZ kolegami.

maarten93 commented 5 years ago

hypo znamená malý, nedostatečný, dolní nebo nízký

miracleflame commented 5 years ago

skôr by som veril tejto definícii the chemical sodium thiosulphate (formerly called hyposulphite) used as a photographic fixer. "I use four teaspoons of hypo (sodium thiosulfate) in a liter of water and add a quarter-ounce of solution B."

ale sérum nemá chybu

voodoo47 commented 5 years ago

tu je to vo vyzname "hypo syringe", cize "hypo" referuje tvar aplikatora (injekcna striekacka). cize injekcna strikacka s lecebnym roztokem/serem, co je ale pridlhe - "lecebne serum" bohate postaci.

maarten93 commented 5 years ago


miracleflame commented 5 years ago

Hezky! Dík, toto zatvorím ako, že sme sa zhodli.