miracuthbert / saas-boilerplate

SaaS boilerplate built in Laravel, Bootstrap 4 and VueJs.
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Missing Super Admin? #3

Closed erigglem closed 5 years ago

erigglem commented 5 years ago

Am I missing something? There is no "super admin" for logging in and seeing all users, companies, etc. For actually managing the SaaS app... No way to create/edit subscription plans/pricing except for to modify the database or build out a super admin backend? I hope that makes sense.

miracuthbert commented 5 years ago

To create a super / root admin Run php artisan admin:assign-role youremail@example.org admin-root. Substitute youremail@example.org with an existing user email. admin-root is the default root Admin role.

For more details check the readme file under installation and commands section.

miracuthbert commented 5 years ago

I'll consider this issue resolved.