mirage / mirage-lambda

An eDSL for MirageOS apps
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Sending `return` value to Mirage server causes a type-error #28

Closed aherrmann closed 6 years ago

aherrmann commented 6 years ago

Sending a return value to the Mirage server causes a type-error.

E.g. sending the following (protobufs encoded) Mirage-Lambda program

lam {
  typ { list { value { abstract { witness: "Cstruct.t" } } } }
  var: "inps"
  expr {
    lam {
      typ { list { value { abstract { witness: "Cstruct.t" } } } }
      var: "outs"
      expr {
        val {
          value { return { typ { int { } } value { int { value: 42 } } } }

with the following (protobufs encoded) type

arrow {
  a { list { value { abstract { witness: "Cstruct.t" } } } }
  b {
    arrow {
      a { list { value { abstract { witness: "Cstruct.t" } } } }
      b { apply { a { int { } } b { lwt { } } } }

(Note, how the expression has type Apply Int Lwt, because the Int value is wrapped in the return value constructor.)

Causes an error with the following log output

  error while evaluating:
  (fun (inps: Cstruct.t list) -> (fun (outs: Cstruct.t list) -> 42)) []
  [(Cstruct.t list -> (Cstruct.t list -> int)) is not compatible with (Cstruct.t list
                                                                      (Cstruct.t list
                                                                      int Lwt.t))].
dinosaure commented 6 years ago

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