mirage / xen-arm-builder

Archived - the Xen and ARM support in MirageOS has been superseeded by our PVH support - Build an SDcard image for Xen/ARM, for a Cubieboard
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add NTP daemon to image #48

Closed heidihoward closed 7 years ago

heidihoward commented 9 years ago

not currently included and would be useful :)

djs55 commented 9 years ago

I've noticed (several times now, grr) that if the system clock is set to 1970 then opam install will block forever -- I believe it will download ocamlfind, unpack it with timestamps from 2015, build an object file with timestamp in 1970, ocamlbuild (or make, not sure) will conclude that the object file is 45 years old and rebuild it, again and again.

Even without an ntp daemon, a one-shot sync to pool.ntp.org would make life a lot better.

avsm commented 9 years ago

@heidi-ann -- could you take a shot at a pull request to add this? It should be a case of adding the right ntp daemon to the apt-get install list in the scripts here, and the builder will pick it up.

MagnusS commented 9 years ago

Another problem when this happens is that a log-file is generated which can fill the SD-card if left running too long. Should be straightforward to add ntp I think. This is the script that installs the other packages.

heidihoward commented 9 years ago

I don't have access to a cubie until tus, but i'll take a look then

samoht commented 9 years ago

Can also help fixing:

$ git clone https://github.com/samoht/mirage-seal.git
Cloning into 'mirage-seal'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/samoht/mirage-seal.git/': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none

(which was fixed by sudo ntpdate -s time.nist.gov)

mor1 commented 7 years ago

The recent refresh installs and starts chronyd to handle NTP so hopefully this is no longer an issue. Closing...