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Optionally include newer versions of Linaro/Ubuntu/Xen/Linux #60

Closed lcdunstan closed 7 years ago

lcdunstan commented 8 years ago

This doesn't change the default build unless you set DISTROVER=vivid. The differences are:

Tested with:

To be done later (not part of this PR):

talex5 commented 8 years ago

This is excellent news! I'd be happy to make Vivid the default (or even just drop the older version completely).

After PR #58 is merged I'll fix the merge conflicts here

Merged - please go ahead!

lcdunstan commented 8 years ago

OK thanks. It's true that it complicates the scripts to support both versions but I thought that some people might want to stick with Trusty for a while longer, and also because it may help smooth future releases.

Do you know the specific reasons why 1st-boot was installed with order "S10", so that I can set the necessary dependencies in LSB format? (I'm new to such scripts)

talex5 commented 8 years ago

I don't know about the xen/xapi bits (@djs55?) , but:

1) regenerating the SSH keys needs to happen before SSH starts 2) extending the partition could probably happen at any time, since nothing uses it during boot

On the other hand, it might be good to put /home in an LVM partition to make it easier to extend it.

lcdunstan commented 8 years ago

OK, I've got something working. With a 1G home on LVM it's probably not necessary to resize the root FS partition from 2G to 3G anymore. Do you agree?

talex5 commented 8 years ago

How much free space does it have? We want to leave a little (for logs, apt-get, etc), but won't need much with a separate /home.

MagnusS commented 8 years ago

iirc the size was increased to have room for installing additional packages after booting the image.

lcdunstan commented 8 years ago

It has 800 MB free. I was just guessing that the main reason for growing it was for /home for source code, OPAM repo/switches/packages, etc.

lcdunstan commented 8 years ago

Is there any other clean-up or refactoring required?

I tried "opam install xenctrl" but I found that the released version doesn't support Xen 4.5 (https://github.com/xapi-project/ocaml-xen-lowlevel-libs/issues/76) nor OCaml 4.02+.

lcdunstan commented 8 years ago

The sunxi-mmc driver in ubuntu-vivid does not seem to work: http://sprunge.us/HfPE?text

lcdunstan commented 8 years ago

I've built https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git branch linux-4.1.y (currently 4.1.3) and I'll try running it tomorrow.

lcdunstan commented 8 years ago

For #39, I tested dom0_mem=512M,max=768M and changed target_kb to 650000 but it did not seem to have any effect on the output of vmstat (?). However, when I tried setting dom0_mem=768M,max=768M it worked fine, but left only 95MB free for guests according to "xl info".

MagnusS commented 8 years ago

xapi-project/ocaml-xen-lowlevel-libs#76 was closed so I've opened a new issue for the opam xenctrl problem in xapi-project/ocaml-xen-lowlevel-libs#78

mor1 commented 7 years ago

Hi; Apologies this has sat for so long. Now the repo has been refreshed to use Alpine for dom0, I guess it would need considerable rewriting to be applicable. Happy to take a look (and I promise not to leave it sitting for over a year!) if you'd like to update scripts to enable alternatives to Alpine dom0 and reopen the PR, but in the meantime, I'll close this one. Thanks!