miranov25 / RootInteractive

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The CPU time for the data processing in python #262

Open miranov25 opened 1 year ago

miranov25 commented 1 year ago

The time for processing of the 5 million points with 50 branches - 5 minutes. We should parallelized. E.g compression should be "easy parallelized"

Compress 50 isPrimMIP.factor() .* [('relative', 16), ('code', 0), ('zip', 0), ('base64', 0)]
Compress factor 994566 15004430 0.06628482388201351 50 isPrimMIP.factor()
Compress _all 405696327 3769854049 0.10761592404555183 50
CPU times: user 4min 32s, sys: 13.7 s, total: 4min 46s
Wall time: 4min 45s
miranov25 commented 1 year ago

Relates to #280