miranov25 / RootInteractive

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Custom function - freezing dashboard in case of error #265

Closed miranov25 closed 1 year ago

miranov25 commented 1 year ago

Custom function provide as a text in the unit test working well. In realistic use case in case of failure it was freezing the dashboard:

Later investigation had shown in case of error ...if widget changed invalid column callback did not propagate further. callback did not return back. -> It influenced given column and derived variables

miranov25 commented 1 year ago

Working in realistic use case: https://gitlab.cern.ch/alice-tpc-offline/alice-tpc-notes/-/blob/3ced53d90795b5677040f5f754ca3a8e9be92c0a/JIRA/ATO-609/trackClusterDumpDraw.ipynb

miranov25 commented 1 year ago

Unit test OK

-- Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/capture-warnings.html
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JSON report --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
report saved to: test6.json
====================================================================== 37 passed, 7 warnings in 77.02s (0:01:17) =======================================================================

real    1m18.494s
user    9m52.904s
sys     0m40.624s